Volunteers Fair

The Volunteers Fair was an opportunity for the community to meet the people who run Long Buckby organisations and clubs and to find out what they might be able to do for each other.

Please visit https://staging.buckbylibraryhub.org/volunteer/ if you are interested in volunteering to help run the Library & Hub, or see below for contact details for other village groups.

Thank you to Anna Langton for organising the event.

Long Buckby Angels & Neighbourhood Watch

The Long Buckby Angels are a team of volunteers who can help with befriending, shopping, doctors visits, short term light duties, one off cleaning and much more.

To join the team, or if you or anyone else needs us, then please email longbuckbyangels@gmail.com

Neighbourhood Watch is a partnership involving the Police, local authorities and volunteers who come together to make their communities safer. You can contact our local co-ordinator at longbuckbynhw@gmail.com


Could you offer to help with one of the Long Buckby Guiding units? Please see https://www.girlguiding.org.uk/get-involved/become-a-volunteer/ or email 2ndlongbuckbyguides@gmail.com

If your daughter would like to know more about joining, visit https://www.girlguiding.org.uk/information-for-parents/register-your-daughter/

Long Buckby Green Spaces

Cotton End Park and Mill Park Reserve both hold regular working parties, as well as welcoming volunteers who’d like to get involved in all aspects of running the parks. See https://longbuckbygreenspaces.com/get-involved/ for more details.

Trees for Station Road Long Buckby

We aim to plant 12 trees along Station Road, plant wildflowers and add raised beds to improve the appearance of the area, attract wildlife and absorb pollution. Find out more at https://www.facebook.com/trees4stationroadlongbuckby/