Buckby Library & Hub is a community run charity established to provide services and activities to the Northamptonshire village of Long Buckby and its surrounding villages.
Latest News
WHERE ARE WE GOING ? Our environment, Our future – Series 2
Following on from our hugely successful talks by our knowledgeable residents last Autumn, we have 3 more. Tickets £3, refreshments available. Here are the details:
24th MAY 7.30pm – DAVID CROSTON – ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE – A Threat to our Children’s Futures?
Dispelling some of the myths about the damage to our environment from agriculture. Are important species such as bees under serious threat? Can oysters save the world? Which species really threaten our children’s futures?
Are you interested in libraries, community engagement and a hub which serves our villages? Do you want to have a hands-on involvement with the running of the Buckby Library & Hub charity? We are seeking up to 4 new trustees from Summer 2022 who are willing to support the development of ….
New WEA Event at the Library
The WEA Multi-media Collage Demo is happening in June, please see all the details you need below. Please book via the WEA website or given them a call on 0300 303 3464 (possibly a bit easier) if you would like to come along.

Our new ART EXHIBITION from 1st May is: In my view – People, Places & Creatures by local artist NORA O’KEEFFE
Nora grew up locally and now lives in Long Buckby, having studied art and worked in London for some years. The influence of the local countryside – it’s buildings and landscapes is apparent in some of here work. A particular interest in life drawing and the portrait is also …..
What’s not to Love about Buckby Library & Hub
Anna-Louise Langton, who has previously exhibited with us, popped in to see us today for a coffee…. how lovely!

Due to Popular Demand we are adding another RHYMETIME activity on a Friday!
Please come along at 10.30-11am OR 11.15-11.45am for lots of fun with your little ones… no need to book. We do ask that you contribute £1.00 as a family when you come along, thank you.